
Part 2-More excellent life choices...

I sent my friend a couple of emails about my brief foray into internet dating...I decided since I'm lazy, I'm just going to copy them instead of trying to re-type all over again.  Don't hate me.
There's plenty of fish in the sea...

I decided to check out this “Plenty of Fish” website. I had heard a couple of people talking about it, and I was basically being nosey to see who all I knew on there. The only reason I created an account was because it gave me the option of “looking for: friendship”. I made certain that it showed on my profile that all I wanted was people to talk to/email.  It even said, “Kimmie is not looking for a relationship or dating.” So…I thought I was in the clear. Within an hour of creating my profile, I had like 5 messages, all from men over the age of 45. (O.o) I do not have a daddy-complex. Thank you. So I started to delete it, but instead I just decided to ignore those messages.

I didn’t check it for a couple of days because, like I said, I’m not looking for anything serious. I was just being nosey. When I did check it, though, I had a message from a guy in Winnsboro. He was all, “Hey. Can we chat?” So I’m all, “Sure, why not.” He asks if I have FB, and I give him my whole, “It’s private. I only add people I know.” Blah Blah Blah spiel. And he’s all, “That’s a shame. FB is an excellent way to get to know people. I only add people that I don’t know. Blah Blah Blah.” So I made sure that all of my personal information would be hidden, and I added him (against my better judgement…sign #1).

We chatted on FB for a little bit that night. He asked me what it was that I was looking for. I told him friends. I had just gotten out of a long serious relationship and I wasn’t ready for anything else. He said he understood, and continued to chit chat with me. After about 45 min or so, I told him I had to get to bed.

The next afternoon, I got on FB to catch up on what had been going on while I was at work, and he popped up wanting to chat, right away. (that SHOULD have been sign #2…I had JUST gotten on FB…like..within seconds.) So we chatted for a while. Just random crap going back and forth. At some point, he had sent me his cell phone number so I could text him, but I didn’t…until the weather knocked out the internet. So I texted him to let him know what had happened.  Then he called me. I started not to answer it, but I didn’t want to be rude.  So I answered and good GAWD he was a hick! (Sign #3) I’m talking, red-neck, backwoods, hillbilly hick. I was like, >.<.

We talked for a while, tho. He was funny. I like to laugh. He asked again what I was looking for (2nd time). I told him. He says, “That’s cool. We can hang out. Have fun. See where it goes. Blah blah blah.” And then he’s all, “So when are you coming over? Friday or Saturday?” I was like, “Uh…..huh?! No….I told you I don’t meet people all willy nilly.” Anyway…so after about 2 hours he starts getting all serious on me. And getting mad that I won’t come see him. And asks me again what it is I want…At that point, I’m getting annoyed and I’m like, “Did you not read my profile at all? It said I was not looking for dating or a relationship. I’m just looking for friends to talk to.” And he’s all, “Then why did you go on a dating site?!” He rambles for about 15 minutes about me being closed minded and just like all the other girls, and he thought I was gonna be different and blah blah blah.

Finally, he took a breath and I said, “Hey. I’m sorry that I have disappointed you. I was honest with you from the get go about what I was looking for and I’m sorry that you think we can’t have a platonic friendship. But I’m gonna say goodnight.” And I hung up.

As soon as I got off the phone with him, I deleted my PoF account, and by the time I made it to FB, he had already deleted me. Wow! Glad I got that out of my system! Right?!

There’s more…

Oh what a tangled web we weave...
There’s a website called MyYearbook (kinda like Facebook). I add people all willy nilly on there because FB is my “private” stuff…only people I know. However, I generally don’t add people who live close enough to be easily accessible. However…when I went to South LA a couple of weekends ago, I started messaging back and forth with a guy from V’burg. He was nice enough and he was just being friendly. Not all, “Hey! I want to get in your pants!” There was never any pressure to meet or anything, we were just chatting…so it was cool.

We messaged and texted for like 2 weeks before we ever talked on the phone. Well…during the course of all this, his mom had a heart attack and was in ICU for 2 days before she passed away. I felt horrible, but I also felt like it was the wrong circumstances to meet under. Ya know?

My cousin James convinced me that I should meet him, because, really…he couldn’t be any worse than the weirdos we encounter on a daily basis anyway. So…I told him the only way I would meet him was if he was gonna be in town, and he’d go with me. (As like…backup. Lol!)

Last Wednesday, Tammy convinced me to go to Jacque’s (a karaoke bar in V’burg) with her and she was meeting a guy from the interwebs, and kinda hinted that I should tell Kenneth that I was going and leave it up to him whether or not he wanted to come.

(Small backstory: He’s 28. He has 6 kids. 2 are adopted. One is “on the way”. But still…he’s one of the most normal seeming guys I’ve talked to recently from the internet.)

So…I told him. He asked if we could meet. I told him yes if he felt like it. I knew he probably needed to get out of the house and get his mind off his mom & such…I was trying to be nice. Even though I was nervous, and JAMES WAS IN WATERPROOF! I was like, “DAMMIT!”

He comes in…he’s not as tall as I thought he was. He sits down at the bar, and texts me to let me know he’s there and asks where I’m at. But he has his back to me. I’m of the mindset, at this point, rip the bandaid off…it hurts less. So I walk over. He’s NOT what I expected..and he’s HAIRY!!!!! Like a WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< He’s awkward and the conversation is weird at best, but I toughed it out, because Tammy had hit it off with her date, and I could tell she was having a good time.

He offered to buy me a drink, but I wouldn’t let him. He weirded me out. And luckily, Tammy realized that I was not having a good time, and her date had just left and she came over and was like, “I hate to be a party pooper, but we have work tomorrow…and it’s already 11.” I was like, “Oh! Gosh! Time flies! We better go!” So he walks out with us and I look over at him (now with us both standing) and I’m like…I thought you said you were 6’2”? You’re my height. He blames it on my heels. They are 2 ½” tall. LIAR! (I was thinking…I didn’t say it.)

I give him a hug. Tell him it was fun (LIAR!) and get in the car. Oh. Muh. Guh….

We don’t even make it all the way across the V’burg bridge before he texts me, “What u think?” (O.o) I didn’t respond until we got to Tallulah, because I didn’t want to lie to him, but I didn’t want to be mean either. I finally told him he was nice. He didn’t text me back for a while, so I thought he got the point….not so much. He texted me back. Just some blah blah blah stuff…so I texted him a little.

I so don’t want to be that person that disappears. (Because I know how it feels..) but at the same time…he really weirded me out…and I just can’t do that. He texted me the next day and I text him back for a little bit then told him it was crazy at work and I’d text him later. I didn’t talk to him for a couple of days, and then he texted me Sunday night…I ignored it. And I logged onto MyYearbook and saw that he had posted a picture…of his mother…dead….in a casket! So…I deleted his number from my phone and deleted my MyYearbook account.

Last night, mom & I were on the way to Monroe, and I got a text from a 601 area code, and I think it was him, but I wouldn’t respond…

I’ve turned into that person that disappears. It’s awful, but I’m kinda hoping he thinks I died.

Ahh....the single life... Lol!


  1. Oh, I *just pulled a disappearing act too and I feel bad. But at the same time, I think if I text him he'll be encouraged and NO. Just no. Kid is funny through text messages but just a total and complete GEEK in person. He barely spoke and just... uh. No sort of physical or social chemistry.

    He did the whole, "did you have fun with me" text too and I was just like, "Uh... yeah!" and I haven't heard from him since.

    Single life, indeed.


  2. In the mean time, he keeps texting me...and I just don't respond...I'm still hoping he thinks I'm dead. The same afternoon I posted this blog, I got a text that said, "Are you not talking to me anymore?" A little slow on the up-take, no?



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