Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.
I have to forgive several people...for breaking my heart. That whole thing about caring so's never been a secret. So...people know what they are doing. It's no accident.Wow...I drifted off onto a tangent there...Sahrry! It happens sometimes.
However...can I have a plus one? If I forgive...can I, too, forget? Not the people that have been in my life...just the fact that they broke my heart...and what they did to break my heart. I want to be able to go through life not sinking every time I do or see something that reminds me of one of them.
So...since I skipped yesterday, I decided I'd give you a keep from getting behind.
Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life.
I would love to be able to travel all over. Anywhere I want, any time I want. I want to go and see and enjoy and take pictures and laugh and have fun.I feel like this has gotten boring. (Not my 30 Days, mind you...just the blog in general.) I've been reading a lot of blogs. Lurking, if you will...Other than that, I've been trying to limit my internet time...Failing for the most part, but I seem to spend too much time on Facebook...and that needs to stop.
I used to dream about going on road trips with friends...those friends are no long in my life for whatever's time to make new ones...or pick some up on the way.
I digress...That's what I want to do. Travel to my little heart's content. I'm not giving up!
Today, I signed up for Netflix. I'm ready for my movies to start coming in! The first one? Where the Wild Things Are. Yay!!!
The time change has me all jacked up. It's only 9:30 (rounded out) and I'm struggling to stay awake.
I'm not even sure this makes sense anymore.
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