
Monday. Monday.

I dunno about today. I just...yeah...

I still care. I always will. It's in my nature. I feel a little bit more free today, though. I know he is safe, and happy...and somehow, that's all that matters to me today. I have my moments. I'll still cry, though. It happens.

Today's truth is a bit disappointing, I'm afraid.

Day 12: Something you never get complimented on.
          I don't get compliments on a lot of things. Strangely...I don't dwell on them. And I'm a dweller...so...that's weird. But I can't honestly think of something that I want to be complimented on that I don't.
          Most. Boring. Truth. Ever. Sahrry! 
Who needs a drink? Let's see a show of hands. *holds up both hands* Anyone else?


  1. Sure thing, lady!

    Tequila makes me happy...no girly drinks here! :)

  2. Wine in paw right now!

    PS. It's evening where I am, I promise you :)

  3. I don't judge! It'll be evening by the time I make it home, too, though. :)



Decorate a cupcake!