It's after midnight. I have to be up in a couple of hours for work, and here I am pimping cupcakes. Hrmmm.... That could be confusing....
I'm not baking cupcakes. I'm not even sure I can bake cupcakes. I fail at regular cakes, so I'm not sure that cup-sized cakes would fair any better. >.<
Nor am I pushing cupcakes on the guess perhaps "pimp" is the wrong word, but it sounds fun!
At a wedding shower a few weeks back, as a bridesmaid, I was given the gift of a fleece pullover with a cupcake applique(sp?) on it and I was like, "Hell yeah! I'll pimp my cupcake!" And it kinda stuck. My friend and I decided that there should be a bakery called "Pimp My Cupcake"...and perhaps there is...but to the best of my knowledge, there's not...and that's a shame.
Shit! Upon further googling, there is some concept called "pimp my cupcake". Something to do with bridal showers and such....Hmph! I'm in no way affiliated with said'll continue on my merry way...until someone squashes me, I s'pose.
I guess I better get my cupcake in bed, so I'm not any less productive than usual tomorrow.
G'night, loves!
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